Tuesday, December 25, 2012

03 Success vs. Fun

My parents could have both benefited from therapy. But that is their story, let's just say as the first born I caught the brunt of their illnesses and sicko behaviors. My mother can only be described as having an “emotionally incestuous relationship” with me from my birth. One that caused suffering most of my life. I'm still trying to shake her. In my teenage-years my father, confessed to me how jealous he was of me when I was an infant. And, all I ever did was be “born.” Too weird. It has come to light that my mother fawned over me and neglected my younger brother, Brad. He and I have discussed the “Invisible Second Son” syndrome and all the evidence is there. I am sad Brad suffered that. He blamed me for many years but eventually saw it was my father and mothers choice in the situation. My parents wanted to live some kind of vicarious “success” through my life and were coercive and critical. It was “real” fun.

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