Friday, January 4, 2013

09 Small is Relative

Many people have asked Terrie and I how we could raise so many kids in such a small space. My answer is one of relativity. It tell them how much this little area is worth in downtown Tokyo, Japan. And that there in Japan, we could never own it but only rent it at about $8,000 per month. This puts thing in perspective. We are rich. And having all of us crammed together forced us to learn to be polite. This house by comparison to my Grandfathers generation is a castle. It has running water and central heat and a toilet in the house. We have machines to do our laundry, heat our water, and clean our dishes. We are very fortunate.

So even though I was penniless in 1988 (or so I thought), God made provisions for my protection many years before. I do not feel I ever really owned the land. It belonged to God as the Native American people believe. No man owns the earth. So I wasn't horribly hung up on it being the “land of my inheritance.” But my family members saw it as a “sell out” I'm sure. I did what was needed and never returned to see it again. The land was only a stepping stone and provided a way to return to health and make a home where I could live the remainder of my days. I bought the Palouse house in the spring of 1990 --after wintering at Granny's house in Viola. (Grandpa Dick had passed away the summer previous.)

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